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"Overcoming Overthinking": How to Stop Ruminating and Be Present in the Moment

Do you ever feel like your mind is running wild and out of control? Do intrusive thoughts disrupt all aspects of your life, from family time to important meetings at work? Do you find it difficult to stay present in the moment with loved ones or colleagues due to ruminating over events that have happened in the past or worrying about what may come next? If any of this feels familiar, don’t worry – there are strategies you can employ right away to begin overcoming overthinking. You deserve peace and stillness; let’s explore how we can get there together!

What is Overthinking and How Does it Affect Us Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally 

Overthinking can be defined as ruminating too much on issues, events, and decisions that are beyond our control. It is natural to process and worry about things from time to time, but when it becomes a habit that interferes with our daily lives and activities we may have crossed the line into overthinking. Overthinking can affect us in many ways and even lead to long-term health issues.

  • Physically - this habit can lead to higher levels of cortisol in the brain and even affect one’s sleep patterns which leads to further stress.

  • Mentally - overthinking can take away from productivity as it causes feelings of confusion and exhaustion.

  • Emotionally - it often leads to unfounded anxieties, worry, fearfulness, or playing out various undesired outcomes in one’s head.

These symptoms can cause their own set of problems within relationships as well. The best thing one can do when it comes to overthinking is to take action in whatever direction you feel is right for you right now- not in ten years or five minutes from now. Taking steps now will reduce your stress level significantly and get you back on track with performing at your highest level.

Recognizing the Signs of Overthinking 

Feeling like you’re overthinking things can be a bit daunting, but don't worry - it's something that almost everyone deals with! Once we become aware of the signs and symptoms of overthinking, we can take steps to manage our thoughts. Some signs are:

  • Feeling exhausted from mentally “running in circles”

  • Stuck in the same thought patterns

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Struggling to relax

  • Generally having a hard time focusing on other tasks due to those intrusive thoughts.

If any of this rings true for you, remember it's not your fault! An open dialogue with friends or a therapist can help you get much-needed perspective and figure out which strategies work best for managing your overthinking habit.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries for Your Mind 

Overthinking can be a vicious cycle of constant worrying and negative thinking. It's easy to keep getting stuck in our own heads, but it's possible to create healthy boundaries for your mind.

  1. Start by paying attention to the automatic thoughts you have on a daily basis; write out a list and consider how realistic these thoughts are.

  2. To minimize ruminating and worrying, challenge yourself to reframe these thoughts with positive alternatives—try this process several times each day and give yourself permission to not always focus exclusively on the bad stuff!

  3. Set aside a designated amount of time each day that is ‘worry free’ - decide ahead of time what you will do during that time instead.

  4. Recognize when it may be time to seek out professional support if your worries feel like they're taking over your life. Establishing boundaries for our minds sets us up for a more joyful living!

Learning to Let Go of Unhelpful Thoughts 

Thinking too much can be overwhelming and confusing, and that can create a lot of emotional distress. Unhelpful thoughts can make us feel more anxious or unhappy. Learning to let go of overthinking is essential to make room for more productive and positive activities. There are a few simple steps you can take towards consciously unfettering yourself from the overthinking trap.

  1. Recognize that it's ok to take a break every once in a while - go out for a walk, meditate, listen to music...just allow yourself some "you time"!

  2. Practice mindfulness - cultivate an attitude of living in the present moment rather than worrying about the future or ruminating on the past.

  3. Remember that your current circumstances don't define your entire life - try to accept what you cannot control to find joy in the here and now!

Overthinking doesn’t have to dominate your life if you consciously create space for less stress and more balance.

Building Self-Compassion and Self-Awareness to Stop Ruminating

One of the hardest things to tackle in life is overthinking. It’s understandable – our minds want to figure out solutions and plan ahead, but it can become tiring and overwhelming in large doses. The good news is that there are some simple tactics we can use to help us stop ruminating and start building self-compassion and self-awareness. A great one to start with is giving ourselves permission to take breaks from challenging situations or tough thoughts. Taking even a few moments to step away from whatever we’re facing gives us the chance to refresh our perspective so that we can approach things with more clarity and (hopefully) fewer anxious worries next time around. Getting caught up in impossible what-if scenarios won’t help solve anything so learning when enough is enough can be an effective way of managing overthinking.

At the core, learning to stop overthinking and stay present in the moment can be a daunting task. All too often, we let our mental and emotional states take full control of our lives. However, by being conscious of our ruminating thoughts, establishing boundaries for ourselves, learning to let go of unhelpful thoughts, and building self-compassion and self-awareness, we can each learn to become more mindful. As Dr. Seuss once said “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You!” Here’s to feeling empowered in having greater control of your own mind and life.